
1970 Reserves

1970 Reserves scores

Played: 24 (incl Finals)
Wins: 18
Loss: 6
Drew: 0
Position: 1st (after regular season)

Richmond Score
Opponent Score
Team / Notes
1 L7 13.19.97 Fitzroy 15.14.104 Allford 5, Smythe 3, Cummings 1, McFarland 1, McNee 1, Morrison 1, Robbins 1 Best: Smythe, Allford, Peardon, Wilson
2 W20 14.18.102 Collingwood 11.16.82 Allford 4, Curtis 2, McFarland 2, Robbins 2, Hunt 1, Judd 1, Morrison 1, Oppy 1 Best: Leech, Morrison, Robbins, Wilson, McInnes, Allford
3 W79 26.16.172 Carlton 14.9.93 Brown 7, Judd 5, Miles 3, White 3, Boyanich 2, Oppy 2, Ball 1, Krake 1, Morrison 1, Ronaldson 1 Best: Brown, Oppy, Morrison, Boyanich, Miles, Droscher
4 W69 19.14.128 StKilda 8.11.59 Punt Road Robbins 5, McFarland 4, Ball 3, French 2, Cumming 1, Moore 1, Ronaldson 1, Morrison 1, White 1 Hunt, Leech, Ronaldson, Robbins, McFarland, Cumming. Match was 2.10pm - no curtain raisers to VFL senior matches due to Anzac Day activities.
5 W4 10.24.84 Sth Melb 10.20.80 Strang 3, Cloke 2, Oppy 2, Ball 1, Robbins 1, Smith 1 Best: Strang, Smith, Wilson, White, Hollick, Ball.
6 L29 7.15.57 Hawthorn 12.14.86 Cloke 4, Oppy 2, Judd 1 Best: Droscher, Gneil, Cloke, Miles, Ball Owen
7 W64 21.16.142 Geelong 11.12.78 Wilson 7, Smith 3, Balme 2, Cloke 2, Hollick 2, Gniel 1, McInnes 1, Miels 1, Oppy 1, Smythe 1 Best: Wilson, Oppy, Balme, Miels, McInnes, Gniel
8 W15 16.18.114 Melbourne 14.15.99 Cloke 3, Wilson 3, Allford, 2, Barrot 2,Thomas 2, Ferguson 1, McFarlane 1, Oppy 1, Smith 1 Best: Barrot, Thomas, Ferguson, Oppy, Bowden, Hollick 11.25am
9 L53 12.10.82 Nth Melb 19.21.135 Wilson 4, Allford 2, Smith 2, Baird 1, Barrot 1, Curtis 1, Owen 1 Best: Miels, Hollick, Wilson, Leech, Droscher
10 L11 14.10.94 Essendon 15.15.105 Wilson 5, Craig 2, McFarland 2, Smith 2, Smythe 2, Miels 1 Best: Droscher, Craig, Hollick, French, Miels, Sullivan
11 W58 18.13.121 Footscray 9.9.63 Robbins 5, French 4, Cloke 2, Smith 2, Wilson 2, Allford 1, Owen 1, Smith 1 Best: Craig, French, Thomas, Ball, Morrison, Miels. Curtain-raiser to Interstate Match
12 W43 14.17.101 Fitzroy 8.10.58 Robbins 3, French 2, Oppy 2, Smythe 2, Cloke 1, Ferguson 1, Jewell 1, Smith 1, Hollick 1 Best: Hollick, Jewell, Craig, Ball, French, Robbins
13 W79 19.15.129 Collingwood 7.8.50 Wilson 6, Smythe 4, Allford 2, Brown 2, French 2, Balme 1, Craig 1, Miels 1 Best: Craig, Hollick, Miels, Droscher, Smythe, McInnes
14 W32 13.17.95 Carlton 9.9.63 Wilson 4, Allford 3, Brown 2, Smythe 2, McInnes 1, Thomas 1 Best: Ball, Owen, French, Craig, Thomas, Wilson.
15 W72 14.16.100 StKilda 3.10.28 Francis 4, Brown 2, Balme 2, Allford 2, Smythe 2, Oppy 1, Wilson 1 Best: Thomas, Drsocher, Oppy, Smythe, French, Ball
16 W32 15.15.105 Sth Melb 10.13.73 Craig 3, Wilson 3, French 2, Balme 1, Barrot 1, Brown 1, Ferguson 1, Gneil 1, McInnes 1, Miels 1 Best: Cloke, Craig, Miels, McInnes, Gneil, Burgin
17 L11 13.15.93 Hawthorn 15.14.104 French 3, Robbins 3, Ball 2, Balme 2, Oppy 1, Jewell 1 Best: French, Cloke, McInnes, Brown, Burgin, Oppy
18 W15 10.14.74 Geelong 8.11.59 Balme 3, Miels 2, Allford 1, Gniel 1, Hollick 1, MIles 1, Robbins 1 Best: McInnes, Hollick, Blame, Thomas, Ball, Miels
19 W6 14.14.98 Melbourne 13.14.92 Balme 4, Wilson 3, Strang 2, Ball 1, Craig 1, Peardon 1, Ronaldson 1, Thomas 1 Best: Blame, Cloke, Ronaldson, Wilson, Peardon, Storey.
20 W40 15.19.109 Nth Melb 10.9.69 Allford 3, Wilson 3, Robbins 2, Strang 2, Bowden 1, Jenkinson 1, McInnes 1, Owen 1, Thomas 1 Best: Owen, Craig, Oppy, McInnes, Fowler, Allford
21 W40 16.21.117 Essendon 12.5.77 Allford 2, Bowden 2, French 2,Robbins 2, Ronaldson 2, Strang 2, Owen 1, Ferguson 1, McInnes 1, Wilson 1 Best: McInnes, Bowden, Robbins, Ferguson, Owen, French
22 W2 12.12.84 Footscray 12.10.82 Cumming 2, Jenkinson 2, McFarland 2, Ronaldson 2, Allford 1, Bowden 1, Ellam 1, McInnes 1 Best: Allford, Ferguson, Ball, Storey, Fowler, Morrison
SS Final W42 22.12.144 Melbourne 13.24.102 N Balme 7, Morrison 5, Allford 2, Burgin 2, Robbins 2, Hollick 1, Owen 1, Smythe 1, Thomas 1 Best: Balme, Hollick McInnes, Morrison, Robbins, Wilson. Team in GF Record: Craig, Ball, Storey, Burgin, Leech, Cloke, Robbins, Hollick, Ferguson, Morrison, Bowden, Owen, Balme, Allford, Smythe, McInnes, Thoms, Wilson, (Res: Droscher, French) (Emerg: Ellam, Krake, McFarland, Gniel)
GF L2 16.8.104 Melbourne 16.10.106 MCG Morrison 2, Bowden 2, McInnes 2, French 2, Balme 2, Ball 2, Hollick 2, Owen 1, Craig 1. Team: Thomas, Leech, Storey, Ferguson, P Cloke, Owen, Allford, Hollick, Craig, MOrrison, Bowden, Burgin, Balme, Ball, Wilson, McInnes, French, Robbins, (Res: Droscher, Gniel) 11.50am. In time-on Robbins kicks a goal, but umpire paid freekick against a teammate who had infringed Chris Aitken (Melb). Goal umpire went to wave the flag but Coates had to tell him a free kick had been paid. Best: Bowden, Cloke, Wilson, Ball

Reserves Match Scores