
Non-Senior Richmond players

Non-Senior Richmond Players

NOTE: This page is not complete. Eventually it will be removed.
The names are slowly being moved across to the relevant Reserves Match Score page, and Under 19 Match score page. So check their first to see if you are listed

The below list, is an ongoing attempt, at documenting all those who never played Senior Football for Richmond, but did play Reserves, Under 19’s, Practice Matches for the club.
Please note, you may also find a player's name at the

A players name will appear on this list if they meet any of the below criteria:

played reserves football for Richmond
played Under 19’s football for Richmond
is listed on Richmond’s yearly playing list
played in a practice game for Richmond.

Your help is required to add to this list. If you know of any names, missing, contact me at rhettrospective (at) gmail dot com
Some type of documentation (footy record, teamsheet, online report) will be needed.

Norm Abbott (3rd Eighteen 1949/1950) Half forward. Cleared to Box Hill in 1953
Adams (1919 2nds)
David Adams (1977 2nds)
C Adamson (1960 Team list)
Agnew (1908 list. April 1908 MB says East Perth is after him. He went there )
Ainslie (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Clarrie Ainsworth (Pre Season 1927)
F Aitchison (prospective player reported on by R Scriven on 23.6.1942)
Alessio (Pre Season 1927 : brother of Harry Alessio who payed 1915-1919)
Alex (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Ray R Alexander (1942 Team list)
Don Allen (1952 2nds)
Greg Allen (1985 3rds)
Ryan Allen (Coburg 2009 permission to train)
Chris Allison (1987 3rds)
Jack Amery (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Anderson (- from Essendon. 1910 practice match vs Beverley)
Bayden Anderson (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Brady Anderson (1997 Pre Season)
Geoff Anderson (1954 Practice Match. 6ft 2, from mildura. )
Richard Anderson (1986 Draft)
W Anderson (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Andrews (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Andrews (3rd Eighteen -1954/55)
Dennis Angeliri (3rds 1981)
John Angus (3rds 1981) (son of William Angus)
William Angus (3rd Eighteen -1954)
J Antony (from Hawthorn. Played in 1913 scratch match in March 1913)
Kyle Archibald (2005 team list)
Armstrong (a prospective player reported on by E Taylor on 23.6.1942)
Arthur (1938 training)
Ted Arthur (Spring Rd, methodist) Aug 1941 'showing good form'
Doug Ash (1964 3rds)
J Ashley (Cleared to bacchus Marsh May 15 1946)
F. Atchinson (advising the club on March 12 1946, that he will be down for training)
David Atkinson (1973 3rds)
Bert Aust (Trained/Signed with Richmond 1926. Bert's life story was documented in the Frankston Standard in 1947- part 1 and Part 2
Austin (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Kevin Avery (1960 pre season training. Has played with Melbourne Seconds. CHF)
Ayers (1939 2nd Eighteen)

Sel Baker (2nd 1928-1931)
Baldock (from Hawthorn , he played in April 1913 preseason match/training. High praise
R Ball (1970 – 1971 2nds) (possibly Ray Ball, senior player)
Baldy (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Geoff Bales (1959 Reserves)
Ian Balme (Under 19s 1969 / Practice Matches 1970)
Les Bamblett (did pre-season with Richmond 1983)
Banfield (3rd Eighteen 1954)
David Barclay (1968 3rds)
Michael Barker (2001 team list)
Alf Barnett (1946 3rds)
E Barnett (new player listed 21.7.1942)
Vic Barnett (1946 3rds)
A Barnwell (signed, trained 9 March 1945. Possible Kevin Barnewall)
L Barry (Cleared to Yarra Junction May 15 1946)
Michael Bastian (1965 2nds)
George Bates (1954 Practice Match) (recommended by former senior player Don Benson)
Ray Baum 1957 pre season (centre half back from Broken Hill) 9The Age, Feb 14 1957)
Fred Bayes (1958 3rds)
Bayley (new player mentioned 21.7.1942)
Noel Bayliss (1951 2nds)
David Baxter (1973 3rds)
Beck (3rd Eighteen 1951). Probably Mervyn Beck - 17yr old from Assumption College
Matthew Beddow (2nds 1980)
Max Bell (signed by Richmond 1947 Feb)
Michael Bell (2nds 1983)
Norm Bell (1954 Practice Match)
Peter Beller (a rover who may have trained in 1913 with Richmond. From Richmond Districts, then Brighton. Looks like he kept playing with Brighton in 1913)
Bennett (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Shane Bennett (1987 3rds)
A Bennison (July 1935 - residential clearance to Richmond)
F Bennison (July 1935 - residential clearance to Richmond)
William Bentley (1924/1925 2nds)
Bersey (3rd Eighteen 1959)
Peter Billane (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Blair (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Alistair Blair (1963 pre season practice. Bruised thigh)
Brian Blake (3rd Eighteen -1954)
K Blake (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Norm Bloom (3rd 1948)
K Bogie (1936 training- from Sandringham Amateurs)
Carl Bohan (1954 Practice Match)
Peter Bollen (2nds 1980)
George Bolt (PLayed with Carlton. Trained with Richmond 1924, denied clearance, photo exists in Richmond uniform)
Ledo Bortolotto (1954 Practice Match)
Chris Bossong (1997 Pre Season)
Bourke (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Barry Bourke (4th players 1956, centreman. Also named The Age , 7 March 1957, pg 11 for pre season)
Peter Bourke (3rd 1983-85) 2nd 83-85)
Boyd (1935 practice match)
Danny Boyle (2007 pre season training)
Carl Bowen (1954 Practice Match) 19yr old, 6ft 2 inc, 13st ruckman from Woodend.
John Bowen (1991)
Les Breeding (1954 Practice Match. Mildura. ) 20yr old, 5ft 11 , 11.5 st from Mildura
A. Brett (cleared to Richmond Seconds from Hawthorn 23 April 1940)
Brewster (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Bromeo (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list) (possibly misspelling of Boromeo)
Peter Bromley (1968 U19s and Reserves).
Geo L Brocq (1946 trained with Richmond)
Shaun Brooker (1991 Draft)
Brown (Pre Season 1927 – from Tasmania)
D Brown (1959 Team list)
George Brown (1980-82)
K Brown - 1940 interviewed by club - MB 5/3/1940. From Preston
Laurie Brown (1954 Practice Match)
G Bruce (Port Melb to Richmond 1915)
W.C Bruce (1924 transfer to StKilda-? The Argus)
Tom Brudenall (signed March 31 1948. Winner of 1948 Stawell Gift. had played with Richmond 2nds around 1945/46. Refused clearance to Melbourne on April 23 1946)
Bryant - 1910 training , sturdy follower from Ballarat (note his first name isnt Hedly). Looks like at one point he was given permit to South Ballarat
Ron Buckler (1960 Pre Season , Mitcham half forward, recommended by Alan Cooke)
Bucknell (1938 training)
Bill Burge (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Grant Burgess (1997 Pre Season)
Adrian Burgiel (2001 Rookie)
David Burgin (1962 3rds)
Graham Burgmann (1963 pre season practice. 18 yr old)
B Burke (1959 Team list)
Shaun Burke (1953 pre season. Was son of Leo Burke who played 1915-1919)
Shane Burke (2nds 1980/ 3rd 1980)
Burns (3rd Eighteen 1960)
Burns (3rd Eighteen -1954/55)
B Burrows (from Launching Place, was signed or invited to train with RFC. 21/1/1941MB, 29/1/1941MB
Bruce Burton ( 1979 -1981 Reserves) (2 pre-season game for 1980)
Jay Burton (1991 Draft)
Brian Burville (18 year old from Mirboo North. Played in 1959 pre season practice match)

J Cahill (1944 team list. – brother of Senior Richmond player Laurie Cahill)
Don Calder - 6ft 1 ruckman from Frankston, 15 stone. (March 1950)
Charlie Callander (1929 Richmond interstate match vs Tas. Fill-in)
Ian Callinan (2007 pre season training)
Jack Cameron (1954 Practice Match) 6ft 3 inch
Bryce Campbell (2005 training)
Chris Campbell (Richmond 4ths 1965, brother of Blair Campbell)
Johnny Campbell (Sth Fremantle player who trained/practice match with Richmond in 1921). Refused clearance by WA
L Campbell (trained July 1939 - from Cohuna) Went to Melb FC
W Candy (1959 Team list)
Ron Carder (3rd Eighteen 1960)
Ben Careless (1992 Draft)
Jim Carland (1967 3rds)
C Carter (2nds 1980)
Fortunato Caruso (2008 training)
Harry Cashin (1959 list. Cleared to Inverloch)
Colin Carter (3rds 1980)
Carew (Played in April 16 1927 practice match, rover from Wonthaggi. Not Bob Carew)
Carey (Pre Season 1927 – from Mansfield)
Carroll Brothers - 1910 training. From Ararat. (forwards)
Brian Carroll (1934 training list)
Carroll (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Dale Carroll (3rd 1970-73 / 2nds 1973-74)
Lionel Carroll (1960 recruit. 19 yr old. 6ft 2 from Caulfield)
Chris Casey (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Brian/Bryan Cash (1954 Practice Match, De La Salle, brother of Hawthorn's Pat Cash. )
H Cashin (1959 Team list)
Jayden Cass (Eastern Rangers 2009 permission to train)
Travis Casserly (2006-2008 Team list)
Fred Caterall (1960 Team list, from Rutherglen. Also listed as Cotterally. Unknown which is correct)
S. Cato (Cleared to Moorabin May 15 1946)
A.J.Cattanach (Trained in 1912) Permit from Footscray
Brett Chalmers (1989 Draft)
Cheffins (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Childs (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Choate (3rd Eighteen 1949/1950)
Kevin Clarke (3rd Eighteen 1950-51)
Clark (from Mildura. New player listed on March 12 1946 Minute Book)
Graeme Cliff (3rd Eighteen 1965-1966 / 2nds 1965-67)
Matthew Clarke (Under 19’s 1989)
Stephen Clarke (1988
Clarkson (1938 training)
C Claxton (3rd Eighteen 1955)
A Clay (from Camperdown – 1935 training list)
Dennis Clearihan (3rd Eighteen 1950-51)
Michael Clearihan (2nds 1980, son on Dennis)
Steven Cochran (1989 3rd)
Clayton Collard (2008 Team list)
Collie (played in Richmond vs Rich District pre season match of 1913. From Coburg, big fair-headed player. Wiry fellow, who took a lot of bumps at training
William Collins (3rd 1951)
Ben Clifton (Coburg 2009 permission to train)
Tasman Clingan (2006 Team list)
Les Clintock (1953ish 2nds/3rd player- cleared to Warburton in 1953 )
Adam Cockshell (2008 training)
Clayton Collard (2007 Team list)
Steve Cochrane (1989 3rd /1992 Reserves)
Cole (1919 2nds)
Wally Cole (1954 Practice Match)
Albert Coleman 6ft 1.5inch ( Brother of John Coleman. Trained with Richmond March 24 1949)
John Coleman AFL Hall of Fame Legend (Unconfirmed that he trained with Richmond)This article suggests he ran laps with his brother Albert at the Richmond ground.
Brian Collery (1989 3rds)
Collins (1938 practice match)
Collins (3rd Eighteen 1954)
William Collins (3rd Eighteen 1950-51)
J Comer (player in 1913 ? - did he go to Western Australia. Well he originally came from WA, Permit from Perth to Richmond
Connors (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Conway (list as a new player for Richmond in April 1948)
Cecil Cook (Brother of Fred and Keith Cook. Signed, trained 9 March 1945)
Haydn Cooke (3rd Eighteen 1950/ 1954 Practice Match)
Brian Cornell (trained with club – 1944)
Cosgrave (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Barry Cossar (1952 Team list)
Vic Cottrill (Signed Oct 1942. trained 10 April 1943. RAAF)
Fred Coulstock (Forward from Kyneton. Trained with Richmond 18 March 1941)
Cox (3rd Eighteen 1951)(probably Geraham Cox who played 1952 seniors)
Bevan Cox (1987 Draft)
Des Cox (Rover. Younger brother of senior player Graham Cox( (As a 17yr old trained with Richmond in the March pre-season of 1957)
Tom Cousins (1945 team list- former Stawell High School)
Bruce Craig (1954 Practice Match. Follower from Vermont/ East Ringwood)
Crane (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Ken Crane (4th 1971, 3rds 1971-73, 2nds 1972-73)
D Craven (From Tasmania. Half back flanker. Trained with Richmond March 24 1949). Also listed as J Craven
R Craven (2nds 1919)
Richard Craze (Under 19s 1991)
Crohan (1939 2nd Eighteen)
F Crooks (2nd 1923)
Craig Cross (1985 3rds)
Greg Croswell (1962 Pre Season 18 yr old East Davenport)
Jeremy Crough (1989 Draft)
Jim Croysdale (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Adam Crudden (1988 Draft)
Colin Cruse (2nds 1972)
Billy Cruz ( 1954 recruit. Former Rushworth half forward and rover)
Mark Cullen (1996 Team List)
Culter (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Chris Curran (1992 Reserves)
Michael Cumming (1984 3rds)
J Cunningham (July 1935 residential clearance to Richmond)
Rod Curtis (1968 3rds)
Cusack (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Matt Cusack (1997 Pre Season)

Daly - Wonthaggi player who is said 'to be very capable' Rich Guardian 1913
Damien Dalziel (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Darey ( Richmond player who went to Fitzroy June 1942. Possibly misspelling of Davey?)
Brendan Davey (1968 3rds)
R. Davey - 1940 interviewed by Richmond. From Trentham (MB 5/3/1940).
Col Davey (Clearance refused on April 23 1946 to Collingwood) (MB) (Coll Snrs 1951-52)
Martin Davis (1955 2nds)
Matt Davis (2008 training)
J Dawson - Robinvale. Signed circa March 1949
Fabian DeLuca? (2008 training)
Matt Deledio (2009 Pre Season)
G Dempster (Fullback from Bendigo. Trained with Richmond 18 March 1941)
Frank Dempsey (1947 2nds). Unable to play in 1949 due to injury. Still on list in 1950
Kristian DePasquale?
Simon Dennis (1992 Reserves)
Tim Derrico (3rds 1981)
Peter Dessent (1962 Pre Season 6ft 2, 14 st
Laurie Devitt (4ths + 3rds 1974. 3rds – 1975-1976. 2nds 1976)
W Devitt (clearance request to Footscray denied 23rd June 1942)
H Dewan (1942 minute book reference injury to knuckle 23.6.1942)
Harry Dewsnap (1954 Practice Match)
Norman Digby (Training pre season of 1921 as a half back. Son of Jimmy Digby from VFA) (Footy Record Rd1 1921)
Frank Dimattina (1997 Pre Season – son of Frank Dimattina senior player.)
Paul Dimattina (1991 Draft – son of Frank Dimattina senior player.)
Roy Dixon (2nds 1980)
Norman Dodgson (from Heyfield. Played full back in pre season practice matches of 1952). (Was incorrectly named Don in newspaper print)
Ken Don (son of a former champion - possible Donald Don? Trained March 9 1945)
D Drown (1951 Team list)’
P Doherty (advising the club on March 12 1946, that he will be down for training)
S Doherty (1970 player from Mildura Imperial. North Melb expressed interest in him)
Barry Donegan (1960 pre season training. Former Collingwood 2nds B+F)
Jim Doran (2nd 1920-25, 27-29)
Dorey (1938 training)
W Dorman (1939 team list)
Tony Douglas (1946 2nds)
Dowdell (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Dowdell - 1940 trained - 'local lad tried as a rover' Normaly a wingman
R Dowdell (Permit from Richmond District to Richmond 1943)
Dowling trained 10 April 1943. RAAF
Don Downs (Best and Fairest from Dandenong0 Signed up with Richmond 22 Aug 1941
Driver (1949 3rd Eighteen)
David Droscher (3rds 67-69 / 2nds 69-70. Cleared to South Melbourne)
J Drum (from Minyip. Trained in April 1948. Practice matches as ruckman. Was brother of senior player Frank Drum)
Bob Dryburgh (from Narranderra NSW, 14 stone follower)
Drysdale (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Paul Dudley (3rds 1981-83 / 2nds 1983-85)
Luke Dunham (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Ken Duncan - 19yr old centreman from Garfield. (March 1950)
Lieutenant Norman Duncan (Trained 30 April 1942. From the U.S Morale section)
W. R. Dunn (1940 training) - from Sandhurst, (on recommendation of Syd Edwards. Looks like he went to North Melb . North career. MB 5/3/1940
Col Durie (1997 Practice Match)
Don Durnan (follower. 1951 reserves). 6ft 2 14 st, worked with Harry Dyke manufacturing safes. From Narrandera (NSW)

Eagles (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Simon Eastaugh (1898 Draft / 1993 Team list)
Graeme Ebert (1967 3rds)
Garry Ebbott (4th 1974-1975 / 3rds 1976)
Edmanson - Ararat player who played Wednesday League football, and on Saturday with a senior Ballarat club. Bill Burns called him the best centreman in the country.
Gavin Edwards (1898 3rds / 1992 Reserves)
Ralph Edwards (21yr old, 6ft centre half forward from Daylesford) (1957 pre season)(The Age , 7 March 1957, pg 11 )
Warren Ellam (1967 4ths , 1968 3rds, 1969 3rds, 1970 Reserves, 1972 Reserves)
Chris Elliot (1988-89)
F Elliott (clearance to Nth Melb denied on 23 June 1942, then granted on 21.7.1942)
Rob Elliott (1989 3rds)
Tim Elliott (1987 3rds)
A Evans (1961 list)
Ron Evans (1936 training) – nb. not the same Ron Evans who played for Richmond in the seniors
W. Evenson (permit from Richmond to Burnley 1929)

Fairbank (1909 practice match)
David Fanning (2007 training)
Jim Farrell (3rd Eighteen 1951 / 1954 Practice Match)
William 'Sister' Fawcett (Flinders Naval Depot Peninsula League cleared to Richmond 1923)
Shane Fell (1991 Draft)
Roman Franetic (1977 3rds)
Ferguson (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Max Ferguson (1954 Practice Match / 3rd Eighteen 1955) CHF from Oakleigh District
Fidler (3rd Eighteen 1955)
V. Fisher (Permit from Lilydale to Richmond 1943. Cleared back to Lilydale on April 23 1946) MB
Leo Fitzgerald (Cleared to Bulleen May 15 1946) MB. Possible L Fitzgerald from Bacchus Marsh, who was RAAF, and came to club in 1944
F Fitzgibbon (trained March 1941 from Brunswick )
James Flanagan (permit from Port Melb to Richmond in 1908)
Darren Flight (1989 3rds)
Flegg (3rd Eighteen 1955)
M Fleming (permit from Brighton to Richmond, as listed in Rd 7 1916 Record)
Peter Foott (brother of Vincent) (Thirds)
Vincent Foott (2nd 1979-80) (Nb: sometime surname has been spelt as Foote)
Duncan Ford (1983 3rds)
Jack Ford (1954 Practice Match)
Max Forrest ( Half forward from Dandenong. Trained with Richmond in 1937)
John Foskett (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Len Foster (From Richmond Recruits. Trained with Richmond 18 March 1941. Won B+F Recruits 1940 (Jan 1941MB)
Leo Foster (1954 Practice Match)
Mick Foster (From Casterton, 20 yrs old, half forward. Played in 1959 pre season practice match)
D Fraser (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Fraser (3rd Eighteen -1954/55)
Nick Fraser (1992 Reserves)
Josh Free (North Ballarat 2009 permission to train – son of former captain Tony Free)
Rex Freeman (Richmond 2nds circa 1944) Played for Vic Amateur team.
Brett Frewen (1997 Pre Season Team list)
Craig Frost (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Keith Fyffe ( from Warracknabeal district - at least trained with Richmond in 1948)
William Fyfe (1939 2nds)

Michael Gahan (1983 -1985 Thirds / 1984 Reserves. 2nd son of senior Richmond player Graeme Gahan)
Galbraith - listed as new player in Jan. 21 1941 MB
Gardiner (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Len Gardner (1951 Team list)
Alan Gaskell (1962 3rds)
Joe Gazzo (2007 pre season training)
F Gaulton - 1941 - from Campbell's Creek, centreman, 19yrs, 5ft 10, 12st 10.
Geddes (Pre Season 1927 :- from Sandringham , no relation to Alan)
Neil Geddes (From Casterton, 20 yrs old, half back. Played in 1959 pre season practice match)
Richard Gerke (1989 Draft)
Jack Gervasoni (1951 March training. As per correspondence housed in Ballarat Archives, Richmond discovered he was still registered to Fitzroy.
Andrew Gianfagna (2005 training)
Nigel Gibbons (1987 3rds)
Gilder (3rd Eighteen 1955)
L Giles (1942 Team list). From Sturt. Is this perhaps Jack Giles
Roger Gill (3rds 1972-75 /2nds 1973-76)
Alex Gilmour (2004 Team list)
Craig Gislingham (1984 2nds)
Gledhill (1938 training)
Gleeson (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Jim Gleeson (Trained April 1959. 17 yr old 6ft 'from a local side' )
Ben Glynn (1994 Rookie)
B Gniel (2nds 1970 – cleared to North Adelaide on 4/2/1971)
Alex Goodingham (Dandenong Stingrays 2009 permission to train)
Goodwin (3rd Eighteen 1950)
Simon Goosey (3rds 1986-87 / 2nds 1986-87)
Peter Gordon (2nds 1980)
Shaun Gordon (1994 Draft)
John Gorman (3rd Eighteen 1950 /54/55)
Colin Gove - 19 yr old St. Ignatius follower (March 1950)
Tom Graham ( from Uni Blacks, signed by Richmond 31 March 1941)
W Grant (1939 Vice Captain 2nd Eighteen)
Gray (Clearance refused on April 23 1946 to Hawthorn) (MB)
Andrew Gray (1986 Draft)
Jack Gray (1946 3rds)
Christopher Green (Under 19s 1990)
J Green. (listed in 1908 Annual Report under PLAYERS). (Is listed in the squad for Rd 15 1908 vs Coll), and in squad of Rd 11 1908 vs Univesity, and Rd 13 vs Essendon. I'm certain he played a senior game as he is the only remaining player in that AR article who hasnt. But unsure which game yet. There's a J Green in 1913 who was captain of Richmond District. Same person ?
Richard Green (Under 19s / Reserves 1991-1993)
Matt Greig (1997 Pre Season)
Graeme Greene (1938 2nds) Sometimes spelt Green. Came from Kenworth in Sat. League. Played in July 29 1939 exhibition vs Coll in Launceston.
Paul Greenham (1997 Pre Season)
Norm Greet (3rd Eighteen 1959)
C Griffin (advising the club on March 12 1946, that he will be down for training)
Daryl Griffin (1997 Pre Season)
Ivan Le Griffon (2nds/3rd player 1953ish, (cleared to StKilda)
Richard Grimmond Jnr (1984 3rds)
Liam Guinan (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Guppy (1938 training)
David Gurney (3rd Eighteen 1970-71 / 2nd 1971-73)
Darrel Gust (1985 3rds)

Hall (3rd Eighteen 1955 -possibly L Hall below)
J Hall (1945 team list – from Stawell)
L Hall (1959 Team list)
Alan Hamar (trained 1954) half back from Shepparton
Ashley Hamilton (1987 3rds)
Hamilton (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Hamilton (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Steven Hancock (1971 3rds)
Leslie Arthur Handley - 1940 trained. Half back. But instead chose to coach Yarragon. Yarragon info
Mil Hanna (Practice Match)
Arthur Hannaford ( Glenelg wingman, trained with Richmond 1946. Recommended by Laurie Cahill)
Harold Hargreaves (Recruited around March 1 1940. Bendigo League rover. 5ft 8 10 stone.) From Golden Square. Is War Record V65081 him
Harratt (3rd Eighteen -1954/55)
Peter Harrington (1960/61 Team list)
Harris (1942 minute book reference 23.6.42)
Clive Harris (1947 3rds)
K Harrison ( Cleared to Fitzroy 21.7.1942)
Trevor Hart (3rd Eighteen -1954 – captain / 55) Bio here
Simon Hart (2002 team list)
Harvie (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Hatch (1935 practice match)
Haw ( listed as a clearance to Northcote in 1931)
Chris Hayes (Under 17’s Best and Fairest 1972)
Ben Haynes (2003 Rookie)
Haywood (From Scotch, reported on Aug 18 1942)
Ken Heaney (nephew of former player Tom Heaney. trained March 20 1940). From Parkdale Amateurs.
Todd Hawes (1991 Draft)
Hawkins (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Pat Healy (1980 3rds)
Hedly - 1910 training. Possibly Hedly who also played with Bryant for Ballarat in 1909.
Bill Hender (1954 Practice Matches. Half forward from Kilcunda)
Teaghan Henderson (2000 Rookie)
Reg Hennessy (1954 Team list)
Dean Herbert (3rds 1973-74 / 2nds 1974-79)
Bob Heron (Trained 1957 Preseason) (The Age March 20, 1957, pg 18). 16yr old wingman from Frankston.
Jeff Heslop (3rds 1965-67 / 2nds 1967-68)
Hewett (3rd Eighteen -1954)
K A. Heymanson (June 4 1942 cleared to Melbourne Seconds)
Hicks (3rd Eighteen 1950)
Robbie Hicks (Calder Cannons 2009 permission to train)
W Hicks (From the Teacher's Training College. Trained with Richmond 18 March 1941. Cleared to Beechworth May 15 1946)
Jeremy Higgins (1994 Rooke)
Hill (Played in April 16 1927 practice match, from Scotch College )
Jack Hill (trained 10 April 1943. Played 1943 Reserves. RAAF. Melbourne + StKilda cricketer.Cleared to Belgrave May 15 1946 under a union clearance
Tom Hill (1946 trained with Richmond)
Glenn Hoffman (1991 Draft)
Bryan Hogan (cleared to St Pats Albury May 15 1946)
P Hogan - Port Fairy, signed circa March 1949
Paul Hogarth (1984 3rds)
Jeff Holdsworth (4ths 1970 / 3rds 1971-73 / 2nds 1972-73) (1973 Murie Cup - runner up in VFL Reserves B+F)
Garry Holmes (Trained April 1959, from Japarit)
Scott Homewood (2000 Pre Season )
Andrew Horne (2007 pre season training)
K Houghton (1959 Team list)
Seamus Hounihan (1987 3rds)
G House (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list) + 1942 full training list. (Cleared to Church of Christ Combined on April 23 1946)
N House (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Claude Howard (1954 Practice Match. From Redan)
H Hubble - 1940 interviewed by Richmond. From Maryborough. (MB 5/3/1940)
Hudgson (1940 training)
Duane Hueston (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
A. Huggins (new player mentioned 21.7.1942. Cleared to Wodonga on April 23 1946) MB
J Hughes (2nd 1923)
Daniel Hulm (1999 Pre Season )
Athos Hrysoulakis (1991 Draft)

Craig Ingram (1987 3rds)
Inkster (1938 training)
Jack Irwin - Beverley player who trained with Richmond in 1913. Another reference.
Nick Iorianni (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)

Jackson (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Ricky Jackson (3rds 1985-86 / 2nds 1985-86)
Mark Jackson (3rd Eighteen 1977-78 / 2nd 1978,80)
Ben Jakobi (Sandringham Dragons 2009 permission to train)
Adam James (1989 Under 19s)
Craig Jamieson (3rds 1976-77)
H Jamieson "Bub" - trained 1934. Was from Ouyen, or Patchewollock. Later trained at Hawthorn.
Jeffrey (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Russell Jenkinson (3rds 1968-71 / 2nds 1970-72)
Jenkins (1938 practice match)
Keith Jenkins (1944 trained, from Richmond Imperials)
Ossie Jennings (Richmond Seconds. Died in War in mid 1942)
Johnson (Pre Season 1923)
Craig Johnson (1973 3rds)
Graham Johnson (1967-69 Under 19)
Laurie Johnson (20yr old,son of Vic Johnson from SA. Feb 1950. Richmond Seconds. Was on duties with RAAF)
mark Johnson (1984 3rds)
T Johnson (Practice Match vs Sth Yarra 1908) Half forward from Lancefield and Carlton. Probably the A Johnston cleared to Nth Melbourne in June 1908
Johnston (1935 practice match)
Stuart Johnstone (1990 Draft)
Daryl Jones (1954 Practice Match / 3rd Eighteen 1955)
Jones (3rd Eighteen 1959)
Adam Jones (1992 Draft)
Alex Johns (1954 Practice Match. South Mildura fullback
Bert Jones (1954 Practice Match)
Harold Jones (1954 trained) From Dunkeld
Mark Jones (1992 Draft)
J. Jones (cleared from Melbourne to Richmond May 15 1946)
W Jones (cleared from Canterbury to Richmond Seconds 3 June 1942)
Jordan (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Ray Jordon (3rds 1953-55)
P Joubert (1951 pre season) From Scotch College
Noel Judkins (1962 Under 19s)

Justin Kadhlefelt (Sandringham 2009 permission to train)
Dallas Kalms (1991)
Jim Karthaus (2nd 1923)
Peter Kay ( signed Dec 1960 : 16 year old 5ft 11 from Captain of Nunawading Youth / Best and Fairest
Paul Keane (1978-79)
Syd Kellaway (Beverley player who is knocked unconscious during Richmond training on April 8 1913 after colliding with two players and hitting his head on the cricket pitch. He is sent to the Melbourne Hospital)
Peter Kellett (From Casterton, 18 yrs old, rover/wing. Played in 1959 pre season practice match)
M Kelly (follower and half back from Richmond District, trained 1921)
Rodney Kelly (3rd Eighteen 1970-71 / 1971-73)
Russell Kelly (1977 2nds)
Kemp (Played March 1913 scratch match.A 'live wire' from Ascot Vale Congregational) He kicked 89 goals in 1912, including 18 in one match. In the scratch match he kicked 3 or 4 goals.
Glenn Kendall (3rds 1981)
Kenna (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
Frank Kenna (from Echuca, played in Richmond practice matches early 1950)
Jos Kenna (Requested permit from Echuca to Richmond 1950. Then withdrew application.
Kevin Kenna (from Echuca Played in Richmond practice matches early 1950)
Athol Kennedy (from Coburg. (1946 trained with Richmond)
John Kennedy (1991 Draft)
Keppell (Pre Season 1923- backman from Marysville)
Adam Keriniaua (1994 Rookie)
Kelvin Kerr (1973 3rds)
Kerrigan (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Kestles (3rd Eighteen 1959)
Laurie Keyhoe (son of trainer Alby) (Played Rd 4 and Rd 5 1961 reserves. Broke arm in Rd 5)
Lee Kidman (1954 Practice Matches. From Warburton.)
Rod Kind (1987 3rds)
Bill King (3rds 1981)
Darren King (1996 Team list)
Matt King (awaiting further information)
Paul King (1994 Rookie)
Glenn Kinniburgh (3rds 1974)
Ruory Kirby (2004 training)
Troy Kirwan (2000 Rookie)
Kade Kleke (2008 pre season training)
John Klug (3rd Eighteen 1984 / 2nds 1984-85)
Knight (Pre Season 1927 – Richmond Reserves Best and Fairest 1926)
Ken Knights (Trained 1957 Preseason) (The Age March 20, 1957, pg 18). Follower from Oakleigh Districts.
Travis Knights (1997 Practice Match)
Jack Kranz (from Warracknabeal district - at least trained with Richmond in 1948)
Andrey Kretch (3rd Eighteen 1959)
Jack Kuschert (signed 1956- from Corowa)

D Lacy (1960 Team list)
Lacey (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Lamprell (1939 2nd Eighteen supplementary list)
"Boxer" H Landrof( July 1935 cleared from Port Melbourne) Cousin of Herbert "Boxer" Milne (Fitzroy player who was brother of Hector Milne, Richmond VFA player/official)
John Lane (1954 Practice Match. From Redan. 6ft 2.)
Peter Lane (1980 Reserves)
Dave Langdon (1942 list- from Richmond Districts)
R Langdon (1942 minute book reference - knee injury)
Ray Langdon (1945 team list- from Tatura, on recommendation of Jack Dyer)
Noel Langley (Morwell wingman. 6ft 1. Played in 1963 pre season practice)
Ron Lanyon (Under 19’s circa 1953.)
Ross Lanyon (3rds 1981)
Michael Lauritz (3rds 1981)
B Lawrence (1919 2nds)
R Lawrence (1919 2nds)
Rod Lawry (3rd Eighteen 1971-72 / 2nds 72-75)
Allen Lawson (1986 Under 19s)
Glen Leaf (1988 Draft)
R Leahy (1959 Team list)
Tom Leather (2nd 1929-31)
Norman Le Brun (circa 1929)
Brady Leckie (1992 Draft)
Darren Lee (1985 3rds)
Geoff Lee (18 yr old from Caulfield Districts. Trained with Richmond August 1949)
Ray Lee (20yr old from Sth Warrnambool, injured his eye in final practice match of 1949)
Leech (Pre Season 1927, a rover from Northcote)
Leitch (Played in April 16 1927 practice match, from Merebin)
Andrew Lennie (1977 3rds)
R Lennie (2nds 1980)
Linton Lethlean (2nds 1965 from Uni Blues)
C Levy ( Melbourne Grammar. 1943 cleared to Melbourne)
Craig David Lewington - (U19 1978- rover) B: 15/1/1959 recruited from Jordanville
H Lewitzka - (listed in Rd 3 1923 Footy Record) (From Murrayville. On Richmond 1923 team list)
J Leydon (1942 supplementary list. Cleared to Fairfield CYMS on May 15 1946)
Nick Liddle (2008 training)
Dean Limbach (2004 Team list)
B Lindsay (1960 Team list)
Harry Lisle (1919 2nds)
M Litchfield (1961 list)
Peter Lodge (1989 3rds)
Lott (3rd Eighteen 1950)
Frank Loughran (1967 3rds)
William Luff Jnr (2nd 1928, 30)
D Luhrs (Played? Tried out in 1935. From Leeton)
Alf Lunn(1929 2nds)
Tristan Lynch (1994 Rookie)
T Lyons -(1946 training) from Cohuna

MacFarlane (1939 2nd Eighteen)
MacKay (1942 supplementary list)
Don Mackie (1962 3rds)
Brian Madden (ruckman from Hawthorn - to train at Richond 1954)
Maguire (1940 training)
John Maher (From Minyip. Trained with Richmond March 24 1949)
Michael Maguire (3rd 1966-67 / 2nds 1968)
George Mahomet (1942 and 1943 Richmond recruits)
Brett Maishman (1985)
Pat Mannix (1989)
Darryl Manson (1965 Under 19s)
David Maple (1973 2nds)
Marcus Marigilani (2005 training)
E Marsh (Leopold player who trained with Richmond in 1921. 'a dandy drop kick and can fly in the air like a kite' - FootyRecord Rd 1 1921. Marsh kicked 8 goals in a Leopold match, and 4 goals in another)
Shane Marsh (3rds 1981)
Ashley Martin (1994 Rookie)
Chris Martin (1990 draft)
J. R Martin Permit from Kew to Richmond 13 May 1942
Merv Mason (1954 Practice Match)
Ron Matthews (Cleared to Sth Melbourne May 15 1946) See War page
David Matthewson (1985 3rds)
Mathieson (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Matson (trained 10 April 1943. Nephew of Phil Matson)
Colin Matthews (1954 Practice Match)
Steve Mattingley (3rds 1981)
Darren Matthewson (3rds 1985)
McAvee (From Coburg. Trained with Richmond 18 March 1941)
Peter McCallum (From Casterton, 19 yrs old, follower. Played in 1959 pre season practice match)
Thomas McCann (Ireland 2009 permission to train)
McCart (1925 permit, from ‘unallotted’ – The Argus)
Andy McCarthy (1944 Team list)
Brian McCarthy (1954 Practice Match. Centreman from Yarrawonga)
D. McComb (Cleared to Frankston May 15 1946)
McConnell (Pre Season 1927 – from Nhill)
Arthur McConnell (3rd Eighteen 1950-51 / 54 Practice Match )
Eric McConville (Somerville player who did preseason with Fitzroy in 1923. Cleared from Somerville to Richmond)
P McCormack (Cleared to St Ignatius CYMS May 15 1946)
Alex McCulloch (3rd Eighteen 1950 / 1954 Practice Match)
McDonald (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Harold McDonald (awaiting confimation- Richmond 2nds late 1920)
Luke McDonald (1992 Reserves)
McEwan (1946 trained with Richmond)
John McFarland (Under 19’s player 1969-1971. Cleared to Mordiallic on 1.3.1971)
Merv McGowan (1962 Pre Season, from Barham, NSW. Died on July 9th 1962 on football field after collision between teams Border and Koondrook)
J McGraw (1929 2nd Eighteen)
E McGuire (1929 2nd Eighteen)
Kevin McGuinness (1951 2nds)
Phillip McGuiness (1996 Team list)
McIndoe (new player mentioned 21.7.1942)
Rus McIndoe (Brighton rover who palyed with Richmond circa 1948. Won J J Liston in 1948)
McKay (wing man), trained with Richmond 23 April 1942.
Niall McKeever (2008 training)
Jack McKenzie (3rd Eighteen 1950)
John McKenzie (1964 3rds)
Peter McKenzie ( 1980 Reserves. 1 game)
"Fatty" McKeown (1913 pre season. From Beverley, he is 'hefty enough to make his presence felt in the ruck and he can run and mark and kick better than most heavy men') Also spelt McKeone
Ian MacKinlay (1965 3rds VC, 1965 U19s, 1966 4th premiership, 1967 3rds VC and Capt and flag, 1967 Reserves)
Lachlan McKinnon (2007 training)
Thomas McKitterick (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Peter McLaren (1964 3rds)
N McLean (1961 list)
J McLeish (New player listed on March 12 1946 Minute Book)
Ian McNee (1968 3rds)
McRorie (1938 practice match)
Geoff McSween (full back - 22 year old -invited to train 1954)
David McVey (1967 3rds)
Dean McWhirter (3rds 1981)
Michael Meade (1977 3rds)
Martin Meade (1984 3rds)
Meagher (Pre Season 1927 -from Tasmania)
Don Meckiff (3rd Eighteen 1951- captain))
Ross Medwyn (20 yrs old – 6ft 1inch follower from Abbotsford Brewery – trained August 1949)
Meehan (3rd Eighteen 1950)
Les Meeking (2nds 1927)
Melbourne (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Chris Melican (1983-84)
Damian Melican (1977) Front row, far left in Team Photo. His son Lewis plays for Sydney 2016 onwards
Connor Meredith (2008 training)
Lionel Merrett (new player mentioned 21.7.1942)
Merritt (1940 training)
Metcalfe - Morwell, signed circa March 1949
Milgate (1940 training)
Brad Miller (Rookie Draft: Not the Brad Miller who played for Melbourne)
Gary Miller (1962 3rds)
Trevor Miller (1962 Pre Season, from Cohuna)
Des Minson (1950 2nds)
David Mitchell (1997 Pre Season)
Molan (1944 training, from Western District)
Julian Moloney (1988 Draft)
Moore (1940 training) from McKinnon
Moore (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Bill Moore (player who was stationed in Canada for War. 21.7.1942. Possibly W Moore below)
W Moore (1941 Team list: possibly William Moore who played with Hawthorn from 1938-41)
Moppy (1942 supplementary list)
Jim Mooring - 1940 interviewed by Richmond. From Maryborough. Later became champion player with Carlton. (MB 5/3/1940)
James Morgan (Coburg 2009 permission to train)
Bruce Morris (Ivanhoe Amateurs)
Jon Morris (2008 training)
Morrison (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Stan Moss (1954 Practice Match)
Muir (1940 training), from Bendigo. Signed Form 4 (MB 20/2/1940)
Troy Muir (2008 Pre Season – Echuca fill-in)
Brian Mulcahy - 1941 trained: 17 years of age, 6ft 1, 13st 10 from StKilda Christian Brothers.
Barry Muldoon (1958 3rds)
Mullins (3rd Eighteen 1950)
Brendan Mullins ( 1963)
Damien Munivrana (1992 Reserves)
Anthony Murphy (1960 Team list) (most likely senior player Anthony Murphy)
Don Murray (1961 list)
T Murphy (1970. North Melbourne expressed interest)
G Murton (1939/1940 team list- from Morwell)

James Naismith (1962 3rds)
Nathan (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Danny Neary (3rds 1976-78 / 2nds 1978)
G. Nelson (Cleared to Richmond circa May 15 1946)
Nelson (3rd Eighteen 1951)
David Nelson (1997 Pre Season)
Alastair Neville (2005 training)
A Newell (spelling?)(Cleared to Port Melbourne April 9 1946)
Daniel Nicholls (2005 training)
Patrick Nicholls (2008 pre season training)
W Nicholson (1936 training – half back from Richmond District)
Brian Nicholson (3rd Eighteen 1951)
G Nixon (1960 Team list)
A Nolan (1961 list)
Tim Notting (1996 Reserves)

Claude O'Brien (1947 2nds)
Tim O’Brien (1936 training)
P O’Bryan (1942 team list- from Richmond Seconds and Leongatha. Returned home on 23.6.1942)
Brian O’Connor (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Kevin O'Connell (Signed, trained 9 march 1945. Kilmore College). Was resigned 5 years later, after he was transferred with employment
O’Day (1939 team list- from Lilydale. Suffered knee injury)
Geoff O'Halloran (1963 pre season practice)
Neil O'Halloran (younger brother of Tom. Recruited March 1941)
O’Meara (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Darren O’Laughlin (1979)
O’Neil (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Ron O’Neill (3rd Eighteen 1955)
James O’Rielly (Ireland permission to train 2009)
Oakes (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Ogden (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Leo Oprey (2nd 1928, 30)
Orchard (3rd Eighteen 1959)
Ormond (1919 2nds)
Barry Orvis (1973 3rds)
Bill Ostle (trained with Richmond March 1946. From Bentleigh. Introduced by Polly Perkins)
O’Toole (3rd Eighteen -1954)
W Owens (2nd 1923)

Evan Panozza (2005 training)
Harold Parkhurst (Trained 1957 Preseason) (The Age March 20, 1957, pg 18). Centreman from Monbulk
Parker (Pre Season 1927 – from Brunswick)
Parker (1919 2nds)
Barry Parker (1962 Pre Season , East Davenport)
Patterson (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Justin Paul (1989 Draft)
Payne (from Geelong, who is regarded as likely to be Richmond's chief goalkicker in 1913)
Payne (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Andrew Payze (1990 Draft)
Stephen Pearce (1989 Draft)
Wayne Peach (3rds 1981)
Pearson (Pre Season 1927 – from Tasmania)
Adam Pearson (4ths 1978 / 3rds 1980-81 / 2nd 1981-83)
W Pearson (1961 list)
Barry Peatling (1957-1959 Under 19s. B and F Under 19s in 1959. Under 19s leading goalkicker in 1959)
J Peggie (Permit from Camberwell to Richmond 1943)
Jack Pennicott (Champion follower of Tasmania in the 1910s. Was going to moved to Melbourne and was likely to play with Richmond) Very high praise from Richmond Guardian. Bill Burns was to bring him across from Tassie and the club was certain he would play with them.
But that never eventuated. Was to Leave Tassie for Victoria around Jan 1912
Lyle Pesslow (1960 Practice Matches x 2, went back to Wagga because of family illness
John Peter-Budge? (1990 Draft)
Carl Peterson (2007 Team list)
Ray Petrie (Under 19s 1953-1954.
Daniel Pfeiffer (2007 training)
Adam Pickering (2000 Rookie)
Merv Pickering (signed late 1954. 19 yr old 6ft 4 from Warburton)
Pierce (1919 2nds)
Pieece (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Phillips (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Phillips (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Brian Phillips 20yr old 5ft 9 centre-man from Shepparton
Terry Phillips (1968 2nds)
Fred Phillis (Glenelg player. Trained with Richmond Feb 4 1972. Glenelg refused to clear him.
Terry Pietzch (1970 3rds)
Pigott (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Oberon Pirak (1960 pre season practice match. From Broken Hill). Was on club radar as early as Jan 1957
Platt (1938/39 training / 2nd Eighteen)
Stan Plowman (advising the club on March 12 1946, that he will be down for training). Mentioned here. Bendigo Hall of Famer
James Podsiadly (2006 team list)
Polglaze (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Pollard ('a likely recruit' June 4 1942 and 23.6.1942 Minutes)
Darren Pollock (1954 Practice Match)
Harry Pollock (1923 2nds)
E Porter (1944 Team list, 6ft 4 from Stawell)
Jeff Pottenger (1970 3rds)
Pounds (1935 practice match)
Powell (Pre Season 1927 – from Geelong)
John Powell (1969 3rds)
T Price (Practice Match vs Sth Yarra 1908. Half forward from Abbotsford.)
John Priestly (1973 3rds)
Prendergast (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Ron Prendergast (18 yr old , 6ft follower from Belgrave. Trained with Richmond August 1949 1950). Seems he upset BIll Morris at training in early 1950. Oh he collided with him
Keith Proctor (1935 2nds)
Ken Pruden (1954 Practice Match. Heyfield forward)
Des Purdon (from Charlton) (1946 trained with Richmond)
Dean Putt (2009 reserves)


Raftis (1938 training)
Michael Raidis (1995 Draft)
Jason Ramsey (1997 Pre Season)
David Rankin (1981- 1984)
Max Rawlings (3rd Eighteen 1950 / 1951 – Vice Captain)
Tony Rawlings (3rds 1981)
Brad Read (1992 Draft)
Grant Reed (1977 3rds)
P Rebbechi (1961 list)
Ron Reed (1949-1950 3rd Eighteen)
Reeves (Clearance refused on April 23 1946 to Hawthorn) (MB)
Noel Remington (new player mentioned 21.7.1942)
James Renouf (4ths 1956-57 / 3rds 1957-59 / 2nds 1959-60)
Reg Renwick (1954 Practice Match)
E. Reynolds (1913 preseason. Fullback for Brighton in 1911, and played with South Bendigo in 1912. Played in Association team that visited Adelaide. Railway man who probably played for Railway Team that played in Adelaide in April 1913.
Lidio Ricci (1959 Team list)
Rice (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Guy Richards (2007 training)
Peter Richards (1954 Practice Match)
Richardson (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Ed Richardson (1996 team list)
Matt Richardson (Supplementary Draft / Under 19’s :- not the Matthew Richardson who played Senior football)
Graeme Richmond (3rd Eighteen 1951)
Geoff Richmond - trained in April 1951 with brother Jim. Both from Watchem-Corack
Jim Richmond - trained in April 1951 with brother Geoff. Both from Watchem-Corack.
Kevin Riley (19 yr old, Echuca rover)
Kevin Riley (from Echuca, played in Richmond practice matches early 1950)
John Ritchie (3rd Eighteen 1949 / 1950- vice captain) (probably senior player John Ritchie)
Ray S Ritchie (apparently applied to play for Richmond in 1909 but went to Carlton. )
Arthur Roberts (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Lyall Roberts (1973 3rds)
Michael Roberts (1977 3rds)
M Robinson (3rd Eighteen 1954/1955) From Moe Churches, which was part of the Latrobe Valley Churches Assocation
Garry Robinson (1984 3rds)
William Rochford (2nds 1942, 1945)
Rohan (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Nick Roney (1991 Draft)
Steven Rolton (2nds 1980-81)
Pat Rosenbrock (17yr old. Frankston. Half forward. Played in 1963 pre season practice)
J Ross (1960 Team list)
Neil Ross (1982-1983)
Bevan Rowlings (1957 practice match) (Came to Richmond circa Feb 14 1957, half-back from Tasmania) (The Age)
Roultston (3rd Eighteen 1949/1950)
Brian Rule (3rd Eighteen -1954/55)
Alan runtin (1977 3rds)
B Rush (2nd 1919)
Bernie Ryan (1954 Practice Match)
Jim Ryan (trained 1954) 20 years old, follower from Traralgon
John Ryan (Centre half back from Fish Creek. Played in 1959 pre season practice match)
Kevin Ryan (1961 2nds)
Matthew Ryan (1996 Team list)
Noel Ryan ( Trained April 1959. 23yr old half back from Yarrawonga )
Tim Ryan (1962 Pre Season , from Alvie)

Sadler (trained 10 April 1943. Son of Collingwood's Jim Sadler)
Kevin Salt (2nds 1976) (or Sait)
Graham Salmon (1967 3rds)
G Salvos - 1910 training. Backman from Sorrento. May have ended up Williamstown
Sarah (1938 practice match)
Clark Saunders (3rd Eighteen 1949/1950)
Des Saunders (4ths player 1956. Full Forward. Also mentioned (The Age , 7 March 1957, pg 11 )for 1957 pre season
Savage (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Gil Savory (18yr old from Berwick - injured in practice match 1950) (1950 2nds). Delisted start of 1952.
Brian Sayers (1971-1974 Under 19s)
Paddy Scanlan (2nds 1929)
F Scanlon (From Sandringham. Played in the first practice game on Anzac Day 1942)
W Scanlon (From Sandringham. Played in the first practice game on Anzac Day 1942)
Ted Scarlett (1957 pre season training - 22 yr old centreman from Hampton Rovers)
Schenk (Pre Season 1923)
A. R Schmutsch (permit from Richmond to Yarraville on 19 April 1940)
Scholfield (1940 training)
Jack Schofield -1940 trained - from Pigeon Ponds . Left footer. See War entry
Richard Schrober (1984 3rds)
Gavan Schultz (Thirds)
L Scott (Cleared April 23 1946 to Brunswick) (MB)
Laurie Scott - 1940 trained - Traralgon. Brother of Jack Scott (senior player). Laurie was offered coaching position of Traralgon
Max Scott (New player listed on March 12 1946 Minute Book. Was from Hawthorn, Richmond applied for clearance)
Tim Scott-Branagan (1994 Rookie)
Shawn Scurrah (1984 3rds)
S Searle (1942 full training list)
Geoff Seebeck (1962/1963 3rd 18 player. Played on Bill Barrot in 1963 pre season practice)
Ernie Sellars (tried out with Richmond two or three years before 1913. Was invited by Tom Wright. Ended up at StKilda kicking 119 goals.
Richard Senior (2nds 1980)
Matthew Sexton (1986 Draft)
G Seymour (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Grant Shallard (1968 3rds)
Ray Shannon (1965-1966 Under 19’s / B And F Under 19’s 1966 / Reserves 1966)
Jack Sharples (Richmond junior. trained March 1941)
L Shea (1936 training – ruckman from Bacchus Marsh)
Jack Shelley (Defender from Mildura. Trained with Richmond 18 March 1941. Cleared to Camberwell April 9 1946)
J. Shellet (spelling?) (Cleared to Richmond circa May 15 1946)
Reg Sherlock (3rd Eighteen 1949 / 1950)
Brian Shiels (1962 3rds / 1963 pre season practice. Suffered wrist injury)
Matthew Shir (2003 Rookie)
Simpson (1938 training)
M Sinclair - Rochester, signed circa March 1949
Daniel Sipthorp (2002 Draft)
Greg Sizer (1987)
Robert Skinner (1984 3rds)
Percy Slammers (new player mentioned 21.7.1942)
Shaun Slater (1989 Draft)
Slattery (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Kevin Sims (3rds 1973-76 / 2nds 1976)
Andrew Smith (3rds 1981)
Ashley Smith (1985 3rds)
Brad Smith (1995 Draft)
Geoff Smith (1973 3rds)
Len Smith (1954 Practice Matches. Centre half back from Old Paradians.)
C Smith (2nd 1923)
Chris Smith (1990 Draft)
Ian Smith (1954 Practice Match) 21 yr old from Wedderburn. Brother of 'Narky'
Malcolm 'Narky' Smith (1954 Practice Match) 19 yr old from Wedderburn
Merv Smith (6ft 3 from SA) (1946 trained with Richmond)
Luke Soulos (1977 3rds)
H. J Soulsby - permit from Richmond to Coburg 1940.
Spencer (1939 2nd Eighteen)
Spencer (1940 training)
Tom Spencer (recruited 14 March 1941)
W. Spencer (Cleared April 23 1946 to Foster) (MB)
Staggall (a youth from local club, who played 1913 March scratch match)
Ron Stanborough (3rd Eighteen -1954)
R Stanley (Signed, trained 9 March 1945. RAAF)
Graham Stanway (1954 Practice Match)
Stapleton (clearance to North Melb granted)
Stebbins (1938 practice match)
Brett Steenholdt (1989 3rds)
Don Stemmer (19 yr old. Lake Boga. Pre Season practice match 1959)
Norm Stemmer (22 yr old. Brother of Don. Lake Boga. Pre Season practice match 1959)
Charlie Stevenson (3rd Eighteen 1949 / 1950- captain)
Chris Stewart (2008 Pre Season)
Patrick Steinfort (1997 Pre Season)
W Stephens (1921 training. A forward and rover discovered by Hughie James in KooWeeRup)
Jon Stevens (1997 Pre Season)
Ben Steenholdt (1989 Under 19s)
Jason Steenholdt (1989 Under 19s)
Stilo (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Ron Story (1970 2nds)
Strachan (1940 training)
Ray Sturgess (1945 list player- from Stawell)
Peter Stlianou (1982 3rds)
Matt Suckling (2008 pre season training)
David Sullivan (1990 Draft)
Robert Sullivan (1968 3rds)
Will Sullivan (2007 pre season training)
Brad Sutcliffe (2005 training)
Stott (1919 2nds)
John Stormer (17 yr old from Wesburn team in Yarra Valley. 6ft 3, 13.5 stone)
Max Stormer (19 year old from Wesburn team in Yarra Valley. 6ft 1, 12.6 stone)
W R Sweeney (permit from Melb to Richmond 9 May 1925)
K Symons (3rd Eighteen 1955)
L Symons (3rd Eighteen -1954/55)

Tait (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Norm Tantau (1954 Practice Match)
Andrew Tarpey (1992 Draft)
S. Tate (advising the club on March 12 1946, that he will be down for training)
Garth Taylor (2001 Rookie)
L Taylor (1939 team list – from Murrumbeena . nb- not the same Laurie Taylor who later played senior football)
Paul Taylor (1977 3rds)
Robert Taylor (1997 Pre Season)
Graeme Tempany (3rd Eighteen 1951 / 1954 Practice Match)
Glen Theile (1989 3rds)
Danny Thompson (1992 Reserves)
R. Thoms (1932 Team list: possibly Robert Thoms who later played for StKilda? in 1937)
Wayne Thornborrow (1995 Draft)
Leo Phillip Tilley (1949 3rd Eighteen) b: 3 Oct 1929, Richmond d: Nov 6 1950, Fitzroy, aged 21, motorcycle collided with car. Also a boundary umpire
Luke Tobin (Sandringham Dragons 2009 permission to train)
John Todd (13 Oct 1954 listed in Sporting Globe that he has received an offer from Richmond)
Kevin Todd (1948 2nds)
Frank Toner (1988 Under 19’s)
D G Tong (cleared from Richmond to Fitzroy Jnrs 1 May 1908)
Keith Torpey (2nds 1933-35)
Russell Tullock (1975 2nds)
Trevallan (1929 2nd Eighteen)
Tsitimbinis (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Michael Turner (1979)
Tyler (3rd Eighteen 1954)
Tyson (3rd Eighteen -1954)
Charles Tyson (2nds 1932-33)

Dean Upson (1997 3rds)

Vaines (3rd Eighteen 1950)
Jason Van Unen (2008 training)
Chris Varsamakis (2007 pre season training)
Barry Vear (1961 list – was captain of St Patrick’s football club)
Simon Verbeek (1993 Draft)
Jim Veith (1925 2nds)
Les Voight (Pre Season 1927 : former captain of Hampton)
Gary Voss (1962 3rds) (father of Michael Voss)

Terry Waites (Coll 1953 premiership player- trained with Richmond. Pre-season matches 1957)
Trevor Walder (2nds 1980)
Lionel Wallace (from Greta, 24yr old, 6ft 1inc, 14 stone follower)
Chris Waller (2007 pre season training)
Andrew Walsh (1978 Under 19s)
Tony Walsh (1957 pre season training; half back from Burnie Tasmania)
Tom Walton (1946 3rds)
J Ward (permit from Port Melb to Richmond in 1909)
Brian Waters (1962 Pre Season, from Macarthur. Was signed by Jack Dyer)
Chris Waterworth (1989 Draft)
Alan Watson (3rd Eighteen 1949-51)
Ron Watson (1949 2nds) (d: 1 Sept 2017)
R S Watson ( permit from Fitzroy to Richmond Seconds July 1938 )
Neville Way (Boulder W.A - trained in pre-season 1942. Stationed with Navy. Later played StKilda/Norwood)
Bryan Weadon (2008 training)
Webb (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Noel Webster (1951 Team list) Kicked 150 goals for Hughesdale in 1950. Played for Hawthorn in 1952
Doug Weeks (1954 march Practice Match / 1955 Team list. 6ft centre/halfback from Kilsyth)
Basil Welch (Pre Season 1927 – from Albury)
Neville Weller (1976 Reserves)
Max Wenn (signed by Richmond in Feb 1947. Would end up playing 26 games with Carlton)
C Weery (2nd 1923)
Nick Westoff (South Australian – rookie draft 2010)
Richard "Dick" Weston (1962 3rds) - his father Roy Weston, was made life member in 1989.
Ray Whitaker (Practice Games 1949. Played for Port Adel. Looks like Port refused a clearance in 1950
White (1935 practice match)
White (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Ray Whitaker (Signed Oct 1949. Trained March 1950. From S.A)
Greg Whittlesea (1986 Draft)
J Whitty (1943 junior, possibly cleared)
Len Wigraft (2nds 1930)
Williams (Trained with Richmond 1929. Played with Camberwell)
Williams (3rd Eighteen -1954)
David Williams (1990 draft)
Keith Williams (Rutherglen. New player listed on March 12 1946 Minute Book)
Robert Williams (2nds 1945, captain coach)
Robert Williams (3rds 1981)
G Wills - Red Hill, signed circa March 1949. Was on supplementary list earlier aged 16
Wilson (1949 3rd Eighteen) maybe stan wilson?
Laurie Wilson (1954 Practice Match / 3rd Eighteen 1955)
Keith Wilson (1935 2nds)
Peter Wilson (Trained 1957 Preseason) (The Age March 20, 1957, pg 18). Follower from Wonthaggi
Wiltshire (1935 practice match)
Window (3rd Eighteen 1949 /1950)
Ray Windsor (3rd Eighteen 1949 /1951)
Ray Windsor ( March 1950 training)
L Wines (1961 list)
Wingberg (played in the first practice game on Anzac Day 1942)
Winter (3rd Eighteen 1955)
Mal Wishart (2nds 1919-28)
Wishart (1949 3rd Eighteen)
Andrew Wisken (1987 Draft)
Cameron Wood (2012 pre season)
Owen Wood (2nds 1980)
Bervyn Woods (2nds 1930)
Worrall (1938 training)
Robert Wren (1989 Draft)
Jack Wright (3rd Eighteen 1949-1950-51)
W Wright (2nd 1923)


Alby Yeo (Half back flanker from West Adelaide. Played in March 23 1957 practice match. Jim Deane, coaching South Adel sent him across. Yeo ends up playing for Essendon the following year)
Norm Yeo - Beverley player
H Youlden (1941 Richmond Seconds. Trained with Seniors in early 1942. Transferred to North of Australia for war.)
Bill Young ( 1954 Practice Match . Half back Tatura)
Bernie Young (1954 Practice Match / 3rd Eighteen 1955)
Jason Young (1987 3rds)
Len Young (St Pats College, Sale. Trained May 1963. Brother of Tom Young)
Terry Young (1989)
Tom Young (1963 Reserves. Orbost rover. Brother of Len Young)

Buck Zarro (1954 Practice Match)
Trent Zomer (2007 pre season training)